
Tonghua Pesticide Chemical Stock Co., Ltd.
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Triflumuron crude drug


Triflumuron :triflumuron
English Name:triflumuron
Molecular formula:C15H10CLF3N2O2
Structure Formula:

Molecular weight:538.7
CAS No.:64628-44-0
Appearance: colorless powder,melting point195℃, vapour pressure 40nPa(20℃). Solubility(20℃):Water0.025mg/L,Dichloromethane20~50g/L,Isopropanol1~2g/L,Toluene2~5g/L. Stability:In neutral medium and acidity medium (DT50<0.5years)it is stable to water solutions,In alakline medium water solution(DT5042h). colorless powder,melting point195℃, vapour pressure 40nPa(20℃). Solubility(20℃):Water0.025mg/L,Dichloromethane20~50g/L,Isopropanol1~2g/L,Toluene2~5g/L. Stability:In neutral medium and acidity medium (DT50<0.5years)it is stable to water solutions,In alakline medium water solution(DT5042h).
Toxicity LD50(mg/kg):mice emergency through mouth >5000,dogs emergency through mouth >1000,white mice emergency through skin >5000,white mice emergency suction LC50(4h)>0.12mg/L air (aerial fog ). ichthyotoxin LC50(96h):carp more than 100mg/L,goldfish more than 100mg/L.

Use:The product is benzoyl urea series insecticide,the use is slow without inner absorption function and it can kill some pests and it can effectively prevent the Corn, Cotton, Forest, Fruit tree, Vegetables, mosquito and so on,The amount is usually between 56~560g/ha. It is safe for the natural enemies of pests. as the prevent of Cotton Cotton bollworm with 45~60gActive principle/haSpray. The product is benzoyl urea series insecticide, It is safe for the natural enemies of pests. as the prevesion of Cotto nCotton bollworm with 45~60gActive principle/haSpray.




Triflumuron content,%(m/m)≥


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